DETAILS Choose one of the following activities: A) Boating - either Kayaking or Canoeing B) Trail Biking - 5 Bridge Tour, along the Delaware C) Hike—4 + miles a. b. you can also just relax and go swimming on a Beach along the Delaware River and/or play volleyball, Frisbee, sit in a hammock or just chill! c. d. NEW ADDITIONS THIS YEAR - e. f. Biking along the Delaware, if you prefer this vs boating g. h. Hiking—nearby, 4+ miles i. j. CHOICE OF LONGER PADDLE—YOU MUST ARRIVE EARLIER FOR THIS OPTION—described below…!!!! k. l. You can do various combinations of the above events, and all events are in Western NJ near PA, within 90 minutes of Manhattan. The Delaware River is a lovely place to go boating as you will see below. Some years we have had over 70 people for boating, over 120 people for the BBQ. Register early and often, as this will max out! m. n. Here is the schedule of events o. p. On Sunday July 16 q. Arrive at 9:30for longer paddle, 10:00 am for standard paddle. r. 90 minute drive from Manhattan and Northern, NJ, 1:45 hrs from Brooklyn & Queens, 2 hrs from Long Island. Arrive by 9:30 for longer paddle and by 10 AM for shorter paddle. We have a large but limited number of kayaks, so don't get closed out - RSVP asap! s. 2) Trail Biking - 5 Bridges Bike Tour, 10 miles round trip t. 3) Hike - 4 + miles - nearby u. 4) Beach - go swimming, relax, play volleyball, etc v. about 4 PM, for meat eaters and vegetarians—you can also swim in the Delaware, enjoy volleyball and other sports, etc. w. x. Boating Trip Descriptions - Longer Paddle Trip Option y. z. This year we have two options—note that these may change depending on whether Kittatiny Visitor’s Center is open or not—these assume it does not open and that we leave from aa. a) Worthington - shorter - 6.5 miles on the Delaware - this is the shorter route—it has 3 sets of level 1 & 1+ rapids and you need to have some prior boating experience and the ability to swim. b) Bushkill - 10 miles - this is longer and harder - this also has 3 sets of level 1 rapids only people with moderate and above level kayaking experience will be allowed to go on this trip. You must also arrive by 9:15 am vs 9:45 am, and you will come late to the BBQ—don't worry, we there is plenty of food! RSVP DEADLINES EARLY BIRD RATES - MIDNIGHT WEDNESDAY, July 5 ALL RSVPS NO LATER THAN TUESDAY, JULY 11 |